Common Greek Terminology


The recruitment process where potential new members meet and interact with fraternity members to determine if they are a good fit for the organization.


Fraternity-sponsored events or activities aimed at raising funds and awareness for charitable causes or community service projects.


A special event, usually a dance or banquet, where fraternity members and their dates come together to celebrate and socialize.

IFC (Interfraternity Council):

The governing body that oversees and regulates fraternities on a college or university campus.


A new member who has accepted an invitation to join the fraternity but has not yet been initiated into full membership.


An older member of the fraternity who mentors and guides a new member throughout their initiation period and beyond.


A series of symbolic and traditional ceremonies performed by fraternity members during initiation and other important events, reinforcing the fraternity's values and principles.


Former members of the fraternity who have graduated from their academic institution but continue to support the organization.


A younger member of the fraternity who is guided by their older brother, "big”


An official invitation extended to a potential new member to join a fraternity.